Posts Tagged Face Masks

DIY Oatmeal Face Mask

If you’re looking for a way to exfoliate your skin while absorbing excess oils, look no further than your kitchen, or at the very least, the closest grocery store.

This mask calls for two ingredients – lemon juice and plain instant oatmeal.

In a bowl, combine 1 cup of instant oatmeal with just enough lemon juice to form a paste. Using your fingers, apply the mixture to your face, massaging lightly to exfoliate. Once you have applied the oatmeal face mask, sit back and allow it to dry completely, then rinse well with warm water.OATMEAL FACE MASK 1

The first time I tried this mask I applied a very thick layer to my face and it took forever to dry – a thin layer is all you need.

I am always looking for new DIY face masks to try. If you have any suggestions please leave it as a comment or send me an e-mail. If you have a tutorial on your blog that you would like me to use the post will include a link to your blog.



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